The AWARD WINNING "work from home" solution!: Forex Killer

Please let me introduce myself, my name is Andreas Kirchberger and I make an extraordinary living trading on the forex market. I used to work for Deutsche Bank as a forex advisor but I made the decision to quit because one question kept nagging me and even haunted me in my dreams: Why should I work and sweat for 8 hours a day making other people rich by researching reports and monitoring market movements?
That`s why 2 colleagues and I developed the Forex Killer, which is the only working forex signal generator on the market today. I`ve already made hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here is a screenshot of my swiss bank account. Would you believe that all I did to generate this sum of money was spend a few MINUTES a day adjusting some easy BUY & SELL ORDERS???
I'm not talking about hours of hustles or the MLM & Affiliate Dreck that people get tricked into these days. I'm talking about a proven money making method where you generate all of the cash yourself by trading your own money. You are totally in charge of what happens. This is a PROVEN path to true financial independence.
DID YOU KNOW THAT:50% of the people that trade forex lose money, even in the long run? For many people, trading equals gambling. Here is where the problem is, to make money CONSISTENTLY and increase your bank account, you need a PROVEN AUTO PILOT NO-GUESSWORK SYSTEM. It is even better to have a proven software that does the thinking for you and therefore eliminates the "human error" factor.
What we came up with is unlike anything else available on the Internet today.
Why would you pay hundreds of dollars in monthly fees to companies for forex trading signals when you can just create them yourself with our forex advanced trading signal system?
Why would you spend the whole day waiting for signals that never come in time?
Why would you pay for signals which often do not bring any profits? They only bring losses!
Why should you follow complicated trading patterns and stress yourself with charts and analytical software when you could simply generate comprehensive and profitable signals within minutes?
Our proprietary FOREX KILLER software will relieve you of all these problems and earn you an extraordinary income.
What Is Forex Killer?Forex Killer is a completely mechanical and mathematically based forex trading system. In terms of deciding entries, there is absolutely no discretion involved. Entries are a clear cut, 100% mechanical Buy, Sell or No Trade.
To use Forex Killer, you simply input the closing prices of the last 10 bars of whichever currency you are trading in the time frame you are trading in.
Once you’ve punched in the numbers, you click on “Calculate” and you get a signal which tells you either to Buy, Sell or Stay Out. It’s that simple to use.
Forex Killer has been used by professionals and beginners. You can start with as little as 500 usd on a real forex account or learn with a demo account. Forex killer was developed by a mathematics professor, a behavioural psychologist and an experienced forex trader.
Using A Fibonacci Moving Average FilterWhile you get high probability trading signals, one way of finding those really huge trending trades is going for larger profit targets when your Fibonacci Moving Averages indicate a trend in the direction of the signal.
There’s a chapter on using Fibonacci EMAs, where moving average lengths are suggested for different time frames.
By having all the Fibonacci EMAs supporting the trade, you are identifying that a potential BIG trend is beginning. And together with the Forex Killer Trading Software, you have a high probability entry almost right at the beginning of a huge trend!
Does the Forex Killer calculator work every time? No trading system does that, but it definitely is a great help in finding mechanical entries that leave no room for guessing. There’s no discretion, and that’s really useful to many traders who have a hard time with discretionary trading.
Work You Still Have To Do With The Forex Killer Calculator
Once a signal has been generated with the Forex Killer, you simply open a market order with the recommended stops and profit targets for the time frame you’re trading in. It can be from the weekly charts all the way down to even the 5 minute charts.
If you want more action, go down to a lower time frame. If you want to trade in a more relaxed manner, trade on a higher time frame.
While the Forex Killer is great to use for beginners, experienced traders will love using it to find trades into big killer trends. You could use Fibonacci Retracements and Expansions to find stop loss levels and potential profit targets, giving you larger profit targets and bigger profit potential.
Forex Killer definitely simplifies trading for those who want a mechanical trading system, while allowing experienced traders to enhance profit potential by adjusting profit targets in larger trends.
*Very Important*
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