
Paid Video Sharing Sites - The Dirty Dozen

With the proliferation of video sharing as a means to make money online, I’ve compiled a list of sites which pay in one way or another for uploading videos to share with viewers. Most of these sites earn by either by Google AdSense or direct advertisers and split the advertising revenue with video contributors. Although known mainly for video sharing, many sites also share images for additional advertising revenue.

Make Money Online With Some Useless.Info 1. MetaCafe
One of the largest and most popular paid video sharing sites with over 1 million unique visitors a day. Its size may also be a disadvantage as your video has a high chance of getting lost. Videos with over 20,000 views a month and a rank of 3.00 or higher start earning USD5.00 for every 1,000 views. It doesn’t sound like much, but if you look at the chart, top earners make serious money.

2. Revver
Ads are attached to your videos and you are paid 50% of the ad revenue generated. You can also earn 20% ad revenue by distributing someone else’s video. Earnings are by clicks on ads, not the number of times the video is shown.

3. UpBlogger
Another video sharing site that earns by placing ads alongside the video. Pay rates are actually quite good compared to other sites with a similar business model. USD5 for every 1,000 unique video views, although there is a maximum 3 month limit.

4. TheVideoSense
Uses Google AdSense program for ad revenue where 50% of time, your ads are shown on your video homepage and the other half of the time, TheVideoSense ads. You also earn 10% of the time your AdSense ID is displayed on sites of people who join using your referral.

5. BlipTV
You can either link your video to your own blog or create a blog within BlipTV to post it. Either way, ad revenue from various ad formats are shared 50/50. It supports cross posting to various other sites such as MySpace.

6. Flixya
Another Google AdSense sharing site which places ads around your submitted video. You can link in from other video sites and share the ad revenue 50/50. If you refer a friend, you get an additional 20% from their video ads.

7. Share-A-Flick
Google AdSense ads are placed next to your videos which can be linked from YouTube or MySpace. So unlike many other video-sharing sites, videos need not be original creations.

8. VuMe
Formerly known as Eefoof, VuMe places banners around videos for ad revenue. It pays USD3.00 for every 1,000 views. It seems very strict on the original content rule as there are hardly any of the videos you see on YouTube and the like. Traffic here seems quite low as the most viewed videos have only a couple of thousand hits compared to tens of thousands on other sites.

9. TheNewsRoom
A relative newcomer to the video sharing scene, TheNewsRoom is the news site of Voxant, the viral syndicate network. Users are paid by cost per thousand impressions for images, videos and even text stories that they embed on their own site. Rates are USD4.00 per 1,000 views for video feeds on your own site, and USD1.00 on a referred site. A wide range of topics are covered - politics, science, health - just to name a few.

10. Videoegg
Your video is uploaded onto Videoegg and embeded on your site. In-video ad units targeting user profiles are placed in the videos either as pre-run or post-roll ads. No details are available but “VideoEgg’s revenue sharing program is tailored for our partners who exceed 50,000 unique visitors a month.”

11. Lulu
80% of the site’s ad revenue is pooled every month and members are paid according to the amount of traffic they get from their videos. You will only get paid for original content.

12. Babelgum
Contributors get a 50% share of the revenue generated by the advertising placed in the context of your content. Until end 2007, Babelgum is guaranteeing a minimum USD5.00 for each 1000 unique views of a video. The beta service is slated to start soon.

There are of course other sites which pay in some other less obvious ways under different sets of terms and conditions. Also, alpha video sharing site YouTube had earlier announced that it plans to roll out some kind of shared revenue program for its contributors, probably once they have their fingerprinting technology developed which will automatically detect and reject copyright material.

Sharing videos is a great addition to paid blogging and other ways to make money online. It can be considered as recursive income, meaning once completed, it earns you money over and over again without any further involvement from you although videos have a relatively short circulating lifespan.

VuMe - Earn by sharing videos

Make Money Online with Some Useless.InfoFormerly known as Eefoof, VuMe is not just a video sharing site. It also pays creators of audio and images for sharing their work. With a strong adherence to copyright laws, VuMe only accepts original content, meaning no spliced together TV shows or celebrity photos.

How It Works
Ad banners are placed around media pages and post-roll in video advertising generated ad revenue which is shared with the content creator, depending on traffic volume. VuMe pays USD3.00 for every 1,000 views on your videos, photos and audio. The revenue is added together and distributed once a month.

My Impressions
Traffic on this site seem to be rather low. Browsing through the Most Viewed videos see only hits in the low thousands compared to tens of thousands on other sites. A reason could be because of its strict rule on orginal content only. This cuts out a lot of the popular videos from TV shows and popular media.

Since no mention is made of the payout rate, I’m wondering how long it will take for someone to get paid given that the Most Viewed videos probably have made less than 10 bucks.

Scoopt Words - Sell blog content

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoMany bloggers while enjoy making money blogging, may not like to be directly involved with advertisers or buyers who are interested to buy their content. Unpleasant situations can arise from payment and delivery problems which is why there are so many paid blogging agencies who act as a neutral third party to facilitate such transactions. Blogger is assured of payment, buyers get the goods delivered as promised and agencies get a cut of the transaction. All parties involved are happy.

Sell Your Blog Content To The Media

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoWith the explosion of blogs and the ensuing meteoric rise of citizen journalism from blogs and online images and videos, Scoopt who originally sold newsworthy images taken by its members to the world’s press, have now included blog content - known as ScooptWords. Scoopt was recently bought by stock photography giant Getty.

Citizen Journalism On The Rise

If you can blog high quality original content or have had your articles published in the press, then you should definitely join ScooptWords. You retain the copyright to your work but give ScooptWords the right to sell and distribute your work. At the moment, they are using Nightcap Syndication to give valuable exposure to bloggers’ work but at the same time, they are also developing their own aggregation and search tools.

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoMarketing And Selling Your Articles

When you register, you will be given a ScooptWords button to put at the content you wish to sell. Editors who are interested to buy your article will click on the button which sends them to ScooptWords where all the price negotiations and transaction details are handled.

Pricing And Payment

ScooptWords gets a 25% cut of the fee. Payment is made through PayPal usually within 30 days of an agreed transaction. If an editor commissions you to write an article, and you are required to let ScooptWords handle the deal on your behalf or risk losing your membership if you bypass them. In this case, ScooptWords takes a 15% cut.


ScooptWords is not for the casual blogger who frequents PayPerPost for paid opportunities. It is for the semi-pro blogger who can write original articles which are of high quality. If you have newsworthy images, you can also submit them to ScooptWords.

Blog Profits Blueprint - A must read

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketBlog Profits Blueprint is a free 55-page e-guide pdf on how to blog for profits. Written by Yaro Starak of Entrepreneur’s-Journey.com, Blog Profits Blueprint gives step-by-step instructions and invaluable advice for those who are thinking of setting up a blog for profits and also for those, such as myself who already have a blog but are looking for ways to improve earnings.

Some of the core ideas and approaches to blogging for profit teach you how to select a niche for your blog, techniques for writing content and strategies for bringing traffic to your blog. Many who are new to blogging for profits already know the importance of content and regular updating. In fact, you as the blogger can directly control the amount and quality of content that goes into your blog, depending on how hardworking and disciplined you are. However, mere good content is no longer enough. The concept and importance of writing pillar articles makes all the difference in making good content great।

Now the aspect of bringing traffic is one that is not entirely within a blogger’s control. With the vast amount of information - good information - readily available, being able to drive a large amount of traffic consistently to your blog is no longer as easy as before. Readers visit a blog more for a particular post or article and less for the blog as a whole. Blog Profits Blueprint teaches you what you must do to get and increase that consistent amount of traffic.

Different methods of monetizing your blog are also listed and bloggers will have to find the ones that work for them by trial and error. Surprisingly Google AdSense, that all-pervasive monetizing means that bloggers do right after setting up their blog does not work for Entrepreneur’s Journey. However, other ways such as selling affiliates make a rough consistent $5,000 every month for Yaro Starak who has a couple of other blogs.

Another aspect I found particularly useful is the concept of building up avenues of what Yaro Starak rightly calls The Holy Grail of Blog Monetization - recursive earnings - as opposed to what bloggers commonly do - getting paid to blog. This means establishing ways to get paid on a recurring basis, even if you are not doing anything. With paid blogging, you get paid for writing one post and the money stops there. I also have some recursive earnings from microstock photography where the images I create are sold over and over again, bringing in money indefinitely without my further involvment. I agree with Yaro Starak that every blogger should aim for this kind of earning strategy. It is key to making your blog work for you and not the other way around.

This is also the reason why of all online gurus I have come across, I find that I fully subscribe to Yaro Starak’s goal and philosophy of earning a full-time income from part-time blogging.

I found Blog Profits Blueprint to be very easy to read and follow. I wish I had this when I started my blog. If you are thinking of starting a blog to earn profits or just started one, you will find this eguide invaluable because it saves you time by literally giving you a blueprint to follow instead of having to spend hours surfing the net for bits and pieces of information on the various aspects of blogging for profits.

It still contains very useful and relevant information and methods that those who already have blogs can pick up on and expand further। Reading it has certainly given me that much needed motivational push and direction.
via:Blog Profits Blueprint


JustAnswer - Get paid for answers

Some Useless Info - Just Answer

You get paid for providing answers to a wide variety of questions including automobiles, health, pets and computers by joining as an Expert.

How It Works
1. People post specific questions and make an offer price of how much they are willing to pay for the answer - it ranges anywhere from US$5 onwards. Some answers command a US$100 fee.
2. Experts are rewarded according to “Stage”. At Stages 1 and 2, you earn 25%, Stage 3 earns 35% and Stage 4 50%. After progressing past Stage 4, you are paid a bonus.

1. You must be 18 or older to use this service.
2. You will need to fill in your academic qualifications.
3. You need to pass an evaluation test consisting of 10 questions in the category in which you want to become an Expert.
4. There is no time limit on answering these 10 questions.
5. If you pass the evaluation test, you will be notified after which you can start answering questions.

You get paid immediately through PayPal for each answer accepted by a customer. There is no minimum requirement.

DayTipper - Get paid for tips

Some Useless Info - DayTipper

DayTipper is a service that allows the global community to submit and share tips, information, advice, and ideas on everything from household to work to computers. Tips that are discovered through trial and error, everyday living and which make life easier, help save money or time. Founded by experienced veterans of the Internet and publishing industries, their mission is two-fold: assemble a popular and useful collection of tips, and allow everyone to contribute.

How It Works
1. Submit a useful tip and select the closest category that it fits into.
2. You will be sent an acknowledgement whether your tips are accepted.
3. You are paid $3 per tip if it is accepted for publication.
4. When the accepted tips will be actually published is not known.

1. Submit tips that are useful, insightful and original.
2. Tips must not be more than 500 characters long.
3. Tips become the intellectual property of DayTipper.

Payment is made by PayPal or cheque only after a tip is published. This can take 4-6 weeks. You can also choose to donate your earnings to charity.

From their homepage, the number of tips submitted stands at 11,835 while accepted tips are 4,709. Published tips are only 816. So it seems there will be a long waiting period to get paid if your tips are published at all.

Software Judge - Get paid to review software

Make money online with someuseless.infoIf you’re something of a geek who likes to try out different types of software, SoftwareJudge will pay you to write reviews of its list of software. You must use the software before writing an honest review of it. The list of software includes those for games, design and business.

Make money online with someuseless.infoReviews must be written in good English and your reviews need not be positive. If the software is trash, say so. They want honest opinions and the most important thing is that your review must be original. Plagiarism is not tolerated and if even a single sentence is found to have been copied, you will not be paid.

Thorough checks are made for every single review before it is paid, even for those who submit quality reviews regularly. There is a limit of 3 reviews a day but if you are new, try submitting 1 review first to see if it gets accepted. Most of the reviews have a word count of 100 - 200 words which can be quite easy to complete a review. The time consuming part would be testing the software. Payment ranges from US$1 - US$50. The amount you get depends on the quality of your review as determined by SoftwareJudge.

Make money online with someuseless.info

The best beta contributors receive free games and free reg keys in addition to getting paid. You can choose to get paid by Western Union if you have a minimum of US$200 in your account - the ONLY method of payment - or choose to purchase a downloadable product with the money in your account.

Scoopt Words - Sell blog content

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoMany bloggers while enjoy making money blogging, may not like to be directly involved with advertisers or buyers who are interested to buy their content. Unpleasant situations can arise from payment and delivery problems which is why there are so many paid blogging agencies who act as a neutral third party to facilitate such transactions. Blogger is assured of payment, buyers get the goods delivered as promised and agencies get a cut of the transaction. All parties involved are happy.

Sell Your Blog Content To The Media

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoWith the explosion of blogs and the ensuing meteoric rise of citizen journalism from blogs and online images and videos, Scoopt who originally sold newsworthy images taken by its members to the world’s press, have now included blog content - known as ScooptWords. Scoopt was recently bought by stock photography giant Getty.

Citizen Journalism On The Rise

If you can blog high quality original content or have had your articles published in the press, then you should definitely join ScooptWords. You retain the copyright to your work but give ScooptWords the right to sell and distribute your work. At the moment, they are using Nightcap Syndication to give valuable exposure to bloggers’ work but at the same time, they are also developing their own aggregation and search tools.

Make Money Online with Some Useless InfoMarketing And Selling Your Articles

When you register, you will be given a ScooptWords button to put at the content you wish to sell. Editors who are interested to buy your article will click on the button which sends them to ScooptWords where all the price negotiations and transaction details are handled.

Pricing And Payment

ScooptWords gets a 25% cut of the fee. Payment is made through PayPal usually within 30 days of an agreed transaction. If an editor commissions you to write an article, and you are required to let ScooptWords handle the deal on your behalf or risk losing your membership if you bypass them. In this case, ScooptWords takes a 15% cut.


ScooptWords is not for the casual blogger who frequents PayPerPost for paid opportunities. It is for the semi-pro blogger who can write original articles which are of high quality. If you have newsworthy images, you can also submit them to ScooptWords.